Looking for a comfortable place to call home while you enjoy a relaxing break in Somerset?
A stay in one of our Beech caravans will provide you with cosy, open plan living with the extra luxury of your own personal hot tub. Perfect for weekends with your friends or book for a longer stay to explore this enchanting corner of Somerset. If you are bringing the kids or grandkids, there is so much to do within a short drive. The kids will love that you can take a quick walk over to Wookey Hole Caves, you’ll love that Wookey Hole tickets are included in your booking.*
Your best friend doesn’t have to stay at home. There are dog friendly Beech caravans too.
Each Beech caravan has three small, but perfectly formed bedrooms, an open plan living space for you to relax in and a verandah with a hot tub that seats six.
There are lots of options in nearby Wells for you to enjoy a meal out and great options onsite at the Wookey Hole Hotel or the pubs in the village. It’s only a mile and half drive to Wells from Mendip View.
*Check the Wookey Hole website for opening times.